Sunday, November 30, 2008

I didn't mean to get angry or throw a tantrum today. I just don't know why i feel so... uneasy.
It's just a sense of uncomfortness mixed with a dash of anger. It must be the weather.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Decided to draw up a priority list today, what matters to me most and who matters to me most.

I say i'm pleased with it.

it took you 3 years to say it. 3 years.

life is good.

Friday, November 21, 2008

So the exams are finally over and I'm heading off to KL tmr morning for a short holiday.
I should be feeling really happy, relaxed and relieved but somehow, i just don't.
Must be that floo.
And i bought two shakers yesterday. Awesome (:

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Two more days and it'll be over!
But the process was tough, and somehow exams aren't my thing.
All that talk about 234 yesterday, couldn't bear it. Had to plug in my earphones to not hear a word the people around me were saying.

But post-exam plans are gonna be fun! Off to KL from sat to tues ((:

Pamela's so cute. Pamcakes and Pamcils. HAHAHA.

off to study the last two papers! rahrah bilingualism and phonetics.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Had a really really bad day for hg101 yesterday. No idea why my nose suddenly turned so runny and kept blowing my nose the whole time. Thank goodness it was a 101 and not 234. Or I would have died.

So bad flu, family decisions were made, rushed home, showed abit of temper, talked to A, and finally cooled down. All in a night.

It doesn't matter if things are gonna change, because change is inevitable and we all have to face it. Just as long as we don't regret our actions and sink into depression. But it's okay, we're a family, and we'll face it all together.

I've been really lucky, no one ever said no to what I always wanted, maybe because my wants were not exhorbitant but still, I've been pretty blessed. So when times of trouble come, I definitely feel scared. I haven't faced it all before. But I should learn to.

Hey, I really can change (:

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Forty min before I leave for my first official exam in University. Ai Wen just breezed in a mo ago passing me a heart for good luck. Haha yeah i really need all the luck i can get.

But I have never been good with exams, hence the fear. Since A levels, a negative feeling which starts in my stomach wanting to purge my body thru my mouth, (otherwise known as vomitting) never failed to occur everytime i take an exam. Walking in without the same kind of confidence I used to have. Walking in as if i'm going to get owned and putting on a brave front which says " HEY BE ZEN. COS I AM." not.

This is bad.

Monday, November 10, 2008


Je ne connais pas, Je ne sais pas, Je ne comprends pas.

French is killing me.

Merci Beaucoup.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

So many things happened in such a short span of time, it's amazing how i managed to survive.
I shall not dwell on it right now because there's other more important things to do. I think.

Anyway, with such a frivolous blog-addie I was thinking of converting this into a RATHER, i stress, rather, not much of totally frivolous blog. That being said, the term frivolous must be defined. I guess things which are hard to say to others can be expressed here, and with so many people overseas I guess this is the OTHER best way of communication. Other than facebook of course ((:

Hence, this would not be a private blog from now on. But that also means i would have to make amendments here and there. hahahahaha.

Somehow thoughts just kept running thru my mind. We all know God disciplines us in one way or another to bring us back to the Light, but somehow people tend to view it as punishment. Yeah, it's only through adversity that we realise we're inadequate. I should know that pretty well.

It's just that somehow I question that if someone had changed earlier before and repented, would God allow this to happen still?

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I feel like a sunday christian.
and I can't believe Iuttered those words yesterday.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I don't know what to do. I really don't. Hopefully, things will work out by itself.
I know I haven't been doing what I should, bible studies, cell, and quiet time. I know I haven't been praying much Lord, especially during ths hard times. I know there are many things which I should have done and yet I chose not to. Sometimes thinking about it makes me feel so guilty, on how Jesus was hung on that cross and yet I ignored you and all that You'e done for me.

It's so hard to balance everything. Sometimes, when you ignore friends parties and all to study, it just feels like the right thing to do. But when you start to ignore God's work and word, it becomes a mistake. A serious mistake.

I know in future times would be busier than this and giving the excuse of having a hectic school life currently and giving more time to God when I'm less busy is a really lame one. In fact, it is non-excusable.

So this is my prayer Lord, teach me to put You first in my life. Teach me to be a better child of yours. Teach me to do what's right.